NTT Com “has an increasingly diverse core backbone and has become a powerhouse wholesale player in North America,” judges said.
NTT Communications has been shortlisted in eight categories for the Global Carrier Awards 2016, including Best Global Wholesale Carrier (data), Best North American Wholesale Carrier, Best Pan European Wholesale Carrier and Best Asian Wholesale Carrier.
The judges said about these nominations: “NTT Communications is a carrier with a genuine commitment both to customer satisfaction and innovation in important areas like software-enabling their network. It has an increasingly diverse core backbone and has become a powerhouse wholesale player in North America. Impressive testimonials. This leading global wholesale and SDN cloud service continues to stay ahead with higher performance, DDoS protection and SDN enabled user services.”
The winners of the Global Carrier Awards will be announced during a ceremony at the Capacity Europe conference in Paris on November 8, 2016.